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Summer is here. Register now to reserve your spot.

Have Bright Horizons Back-Up Care benefits? Steve & Kate’s Camp is included. Learn more, here.

Acknowledgement of Risk, Waiver, and Release of Liability

A child’s participation in camp activities, events, or programs conducted by Bright Horizons Family Solutions LLC, d/b/a Steve & Kate’s Camp, its employees and agents (the “Camp”) involve inherent and unavoidable risks of physical injury or harm and, despite reasonable precautions, it is impossible for the Camp to enumerate or eliminate all possible risks or guarantee safety. For example, there are risks associated with all physical activities, sports and games, and the use of equipment, which may break, malfunction, or cause injury even when used as intended. DESPITE THESE RISKS, I AUTHORIZE MY CHILD(REN) TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL CAMP ACTIVITIES AND, ON BEHALF OF MYSELF, MY FAMILY, AND MY MINOR CHILD(REN), TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, HEREBY WAIVE AND RELEASE ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, ACTIONS, CAUSES OF ACTION, COSTS, LOSSES, EXPENSES, MEDICAL BILLS, AND LIABILITIES OF ANY KIND OR NATURE (“CLAIMS”) INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CLAIMS OF INJURIES, HARM OR LOSS ARISING FROM MY CHILD(REN)’S CAMP PARTICIPATION, CAMP ACTIVITIES, OR THE CAMP’S NEGLIGENCE, ACTION OR INACTION, WHICH MAY BE ASSERTED BY ANY OF US AGAINST THE CAMP, ITS STAFF, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS, AND I HEREBY AGREE TO INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD THEM HARMLESS FROM ANY SUCH CLAIMS.

Camp employees are authorized to act in their reasonable judgment in any situation requiring medical attention for my child(ren), including without limitation, administering first aid and, if necessary, calling an ambulance for transport to a nearby medical facility. The costs of any transport or medical treatment is my sole responsibility regardless of whether the costs are covered by my medical insurance.

Camp Policies


The Camp regularly takes photographs, audio recordings and videos of participating children and retains all rights, title and interest therein. The Camp takes care that use, display, and dissemination of these materials are accomplished in a thoughtful and safe manner. They may be shared with Parents/Guardians and other families in a variety of ways: on our websites, via email, through their Steve & Kate’s Camp online account, and posting at the Camp location. In addition, they may be used by the Camp or Bright Horizons for general business and marketing purposes, including online. By signing below, you give permission for the Camp to take photographs, audio recordings, and videos of your child(ren) and to use them as described above. If you have questions or concerns regarding the use of materials featuring your child(ren) publicly, please contact

Parents/Guardians may not take photographs, audio recordings, or videos of any other children, staff, or families at the Camp. Participating children are also prohibited from taking photographs, video, or audio recordings on personal or other devices, except during activities where the use of devices are permitted as part of a program. In no event should any content be transmitted, uploaded, posted online, or shared electronically, except for projects created as part of a program that are transmitted to a Parent/Guardian’s Steve & Kate’s Camp online account. Upon the Camp’s request, Parents/Guardians and children will delete any such content from devices, sites, platforms, or other media.

IMMUNIZATIONS. For the health and safety of all campers and staff, all attending child(ren) are required to be current on all immunizations required by their local school district (including COVID-19 vaccinations). Proof of vaccination may be requested at any time. Exceptions for non-medical, religious, or philosophical reasons are not permitted, except in states where consideration for exceptions are required by law. Medical exemptions will be considered by the Camp Headquarters on a case-by-case basis with adequate documentation from the child(ren)’s regular, licensed physician confirming that they cannot safely receive vaccinations for medical reasons, in addition to information needed to meet any applicable state requirements.

HEALTH INFORMATION. Families are responsible for providing accurate and complete medical, behavioral, allergy, and dietary restriction information critical to their child(ren)’s safe enjoyment and participation in Camp activities.

FOOD ALLERGIES. All food served at Camp is prepared and/or sourced off-site and the Camp is unable to guarantee that snacks and lunches provided or ingredients used in food activities (i.e. ‘The Bakery’) are safe for exposure to or consumption by children with severe food allergies. As such, children with severe food allergies are required to bring food from home each day that does not contain nuts or shellfish, and which is ready-to-eat (since refrigeration and/or heating are not available), and they are not allowed to participate in any food activities at Camp. Families may request to have their child(ren) sit separately from other campers during lunch for allergy safety by calling the Camp at 415-389-5437 or updating their camper’s profile in their S&K account.

MEDICATIONS. Medication required to be taken at Camp must be provided to staff at check-in with a completed Medication Authorization Form providing written consent for its administration by staff. Medication must be labeled with the child’s name and in its original container. A family’s instructions cannot conflict with the prescription or product label instructions. Medication will be kept in Camp headquarters during the day and may be picked up by an adult at check-out each day or at the end of the Camp session. Additional documentation and/or processes relating to the administration of medication may be required to meet applicable state requirements.

TOILET TRAINING / BATHROOM INDEPENDENCE. Children are expected to be fully toilet trained and able to use the bathroom independently. This includes not wearing diapers/training pants, not having daily or frequent accidents, being able to anticipate and communicate if they need to go to the bathroom and stop what they are doing with enough time to get to the bathroom, being able to take off their clothes and put them back on without assistance as needed, wiping/cleaning themselves after using the toilet without assistance, and washing and drying hands. Reasonable accommodations will be explored for children with documented medical conditions.

GENDER IDENTITY. Children are permitted to use pronouns and to choose a restroom that align with their gender identity. Whenever possible, the Camp will provide access to gender neutral or private restrooms. Where not available, the Camp will work with children and families to determine a safe and comfortable bathroom option.


Children should bring a reusable water bottle (labeled with their name), swimsuit and towel (if water activities are scheduled), a change of clothes/shoes (if they are toilet trained but occasionally have accidents), layers depending on the weather, and athletic/close-toed shoes if they will participate in sports or active games.

Children are prohibited from bringing cellphones, tablets, game systems, card games, toys or novelty items, project materials or props, valuables, money, animals, illicit substances, weapons or contraband. Smart watches must be in school or airplane mode while at camp. If cell phone features are utilized (calling, texting, gaming/photos) it will be considered prohibited as above.

SICK CAMPER / WHEN TO STAY HOME. Children must stay home or be picked up promptly if they exhibit or have exhibited any of the following within the last 24 hours:

  • fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, chills, body aches, fatigue, headache, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell or eye drainage.
  • symptoms of a contagious disease or illness that presents a risk to others, including COVID-19, unless the child’s regular physician confirms the child is not contagious or the contagious illness has resolved.

Additional measures may be taken depending on the medical circumstance as required by local health departments, the CDC or other public health entities.

CONDUCT. The Camp reserves the right to terminate its relationship with any family or individual in appropriate circumstances. It is possible to end our relationship with one Parent/Guardian, while designating the other as the sole point of contact, if the situation lends itself to this solution. Activities warranting termination include, but are not limited to:

  • failure or refusal to abide by camp policies or regulatory requirements; 
  • failure or refusal to accept and cooperate in camp decisions or practices; 
  • bullying, physical abuse, or verbal abuse toward staff, children, or other parents, including racial slurs, hate speech, cursing or swearing; 
  • inappropriate, discourteous, or disrespectful interactions toward or communications with others, including on social media; 
  • failure to pay registration; or
  • demand for special treatment or services that are not provided to others, cannot reasonably be delivered by the program, or are outside the philosophy of the program. 

The Camp will attempt to discuss its concerns and allow a family the opportunity to correct inappropriate or disruptive conduct. However, the nature and/or severity of the conduct may require immediate termination.

REFUNDS & PAYMENTS. Day Passes purchased directly from the Camp that are not used during the Camp session will be refunded automatically at their original purchase price. If a child on a Summer Pass does not attend enough days to reach the break-even attendance level for their preferred location, the Camp will refund the difference between the cost of the Summer Pass and the cost of Day Passes based on actual attendance. Summer Pass holders who meet or exceed the break-even attendance level for their preferred location are not eligible for a refund. Refunds will be initiated automatically to the original payment method used no later than ten (10) business days after the last Camp of the session closes, without the need for request by customers. Any days attended are not eligible for a refund unless the child went home due to illness within 2 hours of check-in. If a payment is declined or is disputed after a child attends, the Camp will re-process the original payment method and pursue the amount due through all legal means. Refunds are not applicable to employer-sponsored Back-Up Care benefits.

BRIGHT HORIZONS BACK-UP CARE USE. Families attending Steve & Kate’s Camp using their Back-Up Care benefits should be aware of the following: 

  • Children must attend camp at the location and on the dates that were reserved. If you ever need to cancel, change or have any questions regarding your Back-Up Care reservation or benefit, you must contact Bright Horizons at 877-242-2737. Steve & Kate’s Camp is unable to assist with these requests.
  • The additional paperwork presented by Bright Horizons when making your Back-Up Care reservation is not required for Steve & Kate’s Camp. The only paperwork that is required to attend the Camp is what is listed for your state (if applicable) when you log into your Steve & Kate’s Camp account.   
  • If you have exhausted your Back-Up Care benefit, you are welcome to purchase additional Day Passes at our retail price through your Steve & Kate’s Camp account, and you are also able to apply your Back-Up Care reservations towards the purchase of a Summer Pass. 
  • There are many programmatic differences between Steve & Kate’s Camp and other Bright Horizons’ Centers, including but not limited to: the types of activities and equipment offered, higher attendances, mixed age group participation in activities, expectations for toilet training/bathroom independence, staffing ratios and the Camp’s child-led/choice-based structure. Please make sure to review and the web page for your preferred camp location and contact the Camp if necessary to ensure you understand these differences.