Our People
Our organization is staffed top to bottom with people who share a talent for connecting with kids. Campers thrive on the encouragement and companionship of our counselors and site directors. Steve & Kate’s people are passionate about what they do. Campers feed off that energy and become naturally inspired in whatever they pursue.
It’s not about telling kids what to do. It’s about showing them what can be done.
Seasonal Staffers

Our seasonal staff members help kids squeeze maximum joy out of every day—even if it means taking an occasional pie to the face. Think of them as a high-energy, warm-hearted crew of child advocates who deftly balance two invaluable skills — that of providing structure and guidance, and that of staying the heck out of campers’ ways. All staffers are thoroughly background-checked and trained in CPR and first-aid. They pretty much rule.
Dedicated Camp Directors

Every Steve & Kate’s Camp location is managed by a dedicated director devoted to building flourishing camp communities year after glorious year. (Some directors even started as campers themselves!)
From hiring counselors and leading their team, to scheduling activities and ensuring smooth operations, these maestros orchestrate it all for their camp. They even deal in customer service, which can lead to intense face-to-face negotiations with campers regarding clues to find the Rubber Chicken.
Find out more about each site’s Director by visiting your local camp page.

Steve & Kate’s Operational Team
Our Operations Team, a.k.a. “HQ”, is the super glue that holds our camps together. From engineers, to program designers, to the folks who will chit chat for hours about camp if you let ‘em, HQ is staffed from top to bottom with camp visionaries. Many of whom have been with the company for over a decade.
Regional Leadership
HQ Team
Keepers of the flame.

Even though Steve & Kate no longer work with us, their vision is carried out through our VPs, Kevin and Mike. These guys have a combined 57 years of Steve & Kate’s work experience—47 of them alongside the founders Steve and Kate. They’ve done virtually every job there is at camp, and lead our team today with the camp’s original philosophy as our north star.
Mike started as a counselor at Steve & Kate’s in 1998, and he’s been here ever since. Now he keeps the vision alive for new generations of campers — including his own freedom-loving kids. Kevin is a Steve & Kate’s camper turned Steve & Kate’s operations whiz. While he started all the way back in ’97, he really blossomed when Steve and Kate invested the same belief in him as a manager that we invest in our campers.

Yes, there is an actual Steve And an actual Kate
Our Founders.
The year was 1980. The place—Mill Valley, California. Even way back then, Steve and Kate Susskind saw kids’ precious independence slipping away. So they set out to do something about it. Their idea of a camp where kids rule the roost has been in a process of evolution and obsessive refinement ever since. Today, it’s spawned more than 70 glorious islands of freedom from Manhattan to Manhattan Beach.